A tiny chamber still survives in the Vatican’s Papal apartments, painted by one of the greatest artists of the renaissance. These walls featuring frolicking nymphs and satyrs, imitating the frescos uncovered from Roman buildings throughout the empire. This secret bathroom, known as Stufetta del cardinal Bibbiena, was painted in 1516 by Raphael for Cardinal Bibbiena.
Bernado Dovizi, known as Cardinal Bibbiena (1470-1520), was a writer, lover of the arts, and occasionally a libertine. When he moved into the Vatican, he sought out Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), or just Raphael. Known for his sanctified images such as the Cardinal Virtues, Raphael produced some of the most magnificent paintings of the Renaissance. However, he was also available for side work.

The pope at the time was Leo X, formerly known as Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici (1475-1521), a close associate of the cardinal. The Medici pope was known for his support of the arts and sponsored other Vatican works by Raphael. Upon being named as Pope, he commented, “Since God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it.”
The images are playful nudes and suggestive mythological beasts, and some titillating exceptions. One image depicts Pan, the goat god of nature, moving away from some bushes somewhat excited. This was deemed too offensive for the church and efforts were made to censor the images.
Writer Tony Perrottet wrote about the notoriously secret space after he successfully finagled himself into the normally off limits chamber, and personally explored the tiny space. Following are his descriptions of the panels:

“Raphael designed the frescoed panels like a graphic novel, recounting the adventures of Venus, the goddess of love, and Cupid, the god of desire, for Cardinal Bibbiena to admire as he lounged in his hot tub. At knee level, the original silver faucet was crafted into the face of a leering satyr. One panel showed the naked goddess stepping daintily into her foam fringed shell. In others, she admires herself in a mirror, lounges between Adonis’ legs and swims in sensual abandon. A couple of the frames, even more risqué, have been destroyed.
Raphael painted a portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena that same year. It now hangs at Palazzo Pitti in Florence.
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